Members of BHE Space Team participated in ESA’s Industry Space Days (ISD) in The Netherlands from 20th to 22nd September and in the 67th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) between 26th and 30th September in Guadalajara, Mexico. Additionally, BHE was invited to hold a presentation during the Hungarian Researchers’ Night.

This year ISD in ESA ESTEC included a small conference and a nice exhibition of innovative SMEs active in different fields of space research and applications. Organizers also prescheduled a total of 9500 (!) β€œrapid dating” type B2B meetings (25 minutes each) for more than 900 participants, – representing 300+ SMEs from 30+ countries.

The 67th IAC in Guadalajara hosted close to four thousand registered participants, who introduced 2169 technical papers in 170 sessions! The presentations covered all aspects of astronautics from human spaceflight to launchers, from satellite design to the history of astronautics. BHE personnel were active in Earth Observation, SATCOM, SATNAV and SmallSat sessions.

As part of the European Researchers’ Nights held in every EU member states, Hungary also organized its own Researchers’ Night on 30th September. In this year a total of 93 institutions (in 48 cities and towns) organized public presentations at 161 places. A 5 presentations block from the 2000+ presentations focused on Hungarian Space Related activities. One of these presentations was by BHE, – where we introduced our ground based and spaceborne SATCOM products and solutions, used by Satellite Manufacturers and Space Agencies around the World, including even the International Space Station.